Atag VA63211LT Information Sheet

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911435307 / VA63211LTO
Trade mark Atag
Model VA63211LTO
Rated capacity (standard place settings) 13
Energy effi ciency class A++
Energy consumption in kWh per year, based on 280 standard cleaning cycles using cold water fi ll and
the consumption of the low power modes. The actual energy consumption will depend on how the
appliance is used.
Energy consumption of standard cleaning cycle (kWh) 0,932
Power consumption in off mode (W) 0,1
Power consumption in left-on mode (W) 5
Water consumption in litres per year, based on 280 standard cleaning cycles. The actual water
consumption will depend on how the appliance is used
Drying effi ciency class on a scale from G (least effi cient) to A (most effi cient) A
The ‘standard programme’ is the standard cleaning cycle to which the information in the label and the
che relates. This programme is suitable to clean normally soiled tableware and is the most effi cient
programme in terms of combined energy and water consumption. It is indicated as “Eco” programme.
Programme time of standard cleaning cycle (min) 225
Duration of left-on mode (min) 5
Sound power level (db(A) re 1pW) 45
Intended for built-in yes
Dishwasher product fi che according to Commission delegated regulation
(EU) No 1059/2010
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Summary of Contents

Page 1 - (EU) No 1059/2010

117890350-C-472017911435307 / VA63211LTOTrade mark AtagModel VA63211LTORated capacity (standard place settings) 13Energy effi ciency class A++Energy co

Page 2 - 1059/2010 der Kommission

117890350-C-472017911435307 / VA63211LTOName oder Warenzeichen AtagModell VA63211LTONennkapazität (Standardgedecke) 13Energieeffi zienzklasse A++Energi

Page 3

117890350-C-472017911435307 / VA63211LTOMarque AtagModèle VA63211LTOCapacité nominale (couverts standard) 13Classe d’effi cacité énergétique A++Consomm

Page 4

117890350-C-472017911435307 / VA63211LTOHandelsmerk AtagModel VA63211LTONominaal vermogen (standaard couverts) 13Energie-effi ciëntieklasse A++Energiev

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